video and photography Policy

For Indianapolis Speedrome spectators

All spectator photography must be conducted without disruption to the Indianapolis Speedrome operations. Climbing or standing on walls or fences is not allowed and at no time can any spectator be on the track taking pictures with the exception Big Wheel races, Bike races,3-Hour team and driver introduction ceremonies, Halloween activities or when Victory Lane is conducted on the track or at the finish line.  Spectators may not use Drones at any time in order to provide safety of all our guests.  All photography can only be used for personal, noncommercial use only and may not be published, sold, reproduced, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner. 

For all other photography and videography

All other photography and videography guests must be pre-approved at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of intended visit by contacting Jackson Mears at 317-797-8725 or sending an email to All pre-approved individuals must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • For all requests that have been approved, please report to the Main office upon your arrival.  

  • Access to The Indianapolis Speedrome is limited to day’s events are being held.

  • All photography and videography taken by approved guests, may not be published, sold, reproduced, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner without the express permission of the Indianapolis Speedrome Management.

The Indianapolis Speedrome reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to take photos or videography on its premises. The Indianapolis Speedrome staff has the authority to approach anyone suspected of conducting a photography or videography shoot and to enforce these rules. Failure to comply may result in removal from the premises. Please follow any verbal instructions you are given by The Indianapolis Speedrome’ staff.  Media may photograph or film within designated areas of The Indianapolis Speedrome for the purpose of news coverage. All members of the media must make arrangements with a staff member as set forth above at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to arrival.